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Media Events & Reviews for Mary's Mosaic

TELEVISION & VIDEO Appearances: (links to TV & Video interviews about Mary's Mosaic)



PRINT MEDIA: (Links to articles)


     Peter Janney's response: “Nina Burleigh is entitled to her opinion, but she is not entitled to her own set of facts. The real facts in this case, many of which I introduce in Mary’s Mosaic for the first time, do not support in any way Ray Crump’s guilt in the murder of Mary Meyer. On the contrary, taken in the aggregate, the factual evidence I have uncovered clearly points to the CIA’s involvement – not only in the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer – but that of President Kennedy as well. Ultimately, you the reader must decide for yourself."

     Someone else ("chonicler"), who also commented on Nina Burleigh's article, wrote the following: "Nina Burleigh mischaracterizes in this review the position of Ray Crump's lawyer, the legendary African American attorney, Dovey Johnson Roundtree, just as Ms. Burleigh did in her 1998 book. Defense lawyers do indeed defend guilty clients, as Mrs. Roundtree did many times over the course of her distinguished 50-year career. But her belief in Ray Crump's innocence was unequivocal. Readers seeking an accurate portrayal of Mrs. Roundtree's position will find a comprehensive account in her 2009 autobiography, Justice Older than the Law by Katie McCabe and Dovey Johnson Roundtree (University Press of Mississippi). In her autobiography, Mrs. Roundtree deals not only with the facts (or lack thereof) which persuaded her of Crump's innocence in the Meyer murder, but also certain events and evidence suggestive of a professional "hit," and the presence of sinister forces involved in the crime. Among those occurrences were the anonymous late-night phone calls she received each time she visited the towpath, and the mysterious disappearance of the stalled car which had lured an eyewitness to the scene. Particularly disturbing to Mrs. Roundtree, as she says in her autobiography, was Ben Bradlee's failure to disclose during his trial testimony the existence of his sister-in-law's diary."


RADIO Appearances: (Listen to interviews about Mary's Mosaic)

     David Knight interviews Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq. who talks about Mary's Mosaic and his effort to reopen the       murder case.



     Andrew Kreig, director of Washington, D.C.'s Justice Integrity Project talks with author Peter Janney.